— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Xxx is a. I also remember the story from that time. I lived in the village then. One acquaintance, coming to a local store, complained to the bank Russian Standard. A map was sent to her by mail. We wrote that this is to you, said, to thank you for the timely and honest payment of the loan. There are already 65,000 on the map (I may be mistaken in the sum). You can use them when you are pleased. She and her husband were very happy. by Halyawaa! The Gift!

Well, they tried to film them and spend them. I bought a couch and something else. Cheers to this. Someone said it was a credit card. That is, money is not just a gift, but a loan. They will have to be returned within a certain period of time, otherwise there will be high interest rates. The grandmother was frightened, and came up with a way - burned the card in the oven.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna