— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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It was a story about Krasnoyarsk Shmas (school of junior aviation specialists).
The army is different for everyone. Someone with the machine is sleeping, and someone has not seen him in the eyes. But that doesn’t mean he didn’t serve.
I always honestly say that for the entire service 3 ammunition on the oath released (24 points by the way knocked out) and this familiarity with the gun ended. And actually the service in the second year of service began (before that they studied and were on the grasp). And there were no grandparents (as if some people didn’t like it).

And the serious attitude to the service began with one single phrase.
Introduction to the specialty (automatic peeling operator).
Commander of the company, Captain Pechkovsky:
You are not destined to die by the enemy’s bullet.
Oh wow!! to
and pause.
You will not regret the missile.
It was like the curtain fell. There is before and after.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna