— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I have a funny story about how we twice became ugly, ugly relatives. My grandmother had five sisters and a brother. All of them, due to the circumstances of life, travelled throughout the country, then the USSR. I went to my grandmother to rest. She had a private home in Sevastopol. My grandmother is an incredibly good-soul man, giving himself all his life to everyone but himself. She welcomed guests in any number, feeding, drinking and washing them all. I remember my childhood and courtyard, full of aunts, uncles, nephews, nieces and other relatives in the number of at least 15-20 people per summer. The guests did the same thing as all the vacationers - ate, slept and went to the sea. Grandma at this time went to work, then came, cooked food for everyone, cleaned and washed. No one offered special help, yes, except for the little things.
One day, when she saw her sister rolling on the bed, she asked her to help her in the kitchen. My sister replied, I did not come here to work, but to rest. And then the grandmother broke - she spoke about their behavior and literally in an hour expelled them all and never attracted anyone else, although at first many were still trying to get to a hideous rest. Then the grandmother through her tenth hand heard that all her relatives cursed her, saying that she was a villain, since she did so to them. Grandma, by the way, for a long time (and probably still until now) very much experienced this moment (she recently told me that secretly, in the hope of establishing a connection, she wrote letters to the sisters, but no one ever replied).

And here, since the moment of that conflict, it has been 15 years, my grandmother's house, on her wish, I sold, bought her an apartment and we began to live and live, leaving the new owners of the house grandmother's phone for the case. One day my grandmother calls me and tells me that the new owners have called and complained that a bunch of our relatives have come and are sitting with them near the house in their suitcases, demanding to find us and refusing to leave. The grandmother had all these memories, plus she, again by her kindness, did not want to cause inconvenience to the new master. In general, I was sent to our old house for dismantling.

I come and really - near the house on the suitcases are seated 7 completely unfamiliar people, of them 4 children. I imagine them, I ask what happened and immediately the adults jump up, fly to me and start, interrupting each other, screaming:

We came here and you even sold the house! How could you??? Why have we not been informed??? We sent you letters (later I learned from the owners - there were no letters), and you were all the same fools, not even a new address left, we had to sit here in the heat with the children for 3 hours while waiting for you. Laden your suitcases and go.

Wait for me, gentlemen. First of all, who are you? And why do you treat completely unfamiliar people, threatening them with the siege of the home? Where do I have to take you somewhere?

“I,” cried the man out of the crowd, “by the way, your uncle. And this is my wife, and this is her friend, and this is our children, your, by the way, native blood. I went where you live there, really I don’t want to go into the apartment, I hope you bought another house...

“Well, my native blood, I can tell you how to call a taxi and go to a hotel. And I advise the owners to call the police if you do not leave their territory. All good...

Further, there were many screams, I will drop them, because their essence was that they were going to us intentionally and no other hotels (so-called - other hotels) they did not look for.

Well in the calice a new hostess appeared, tempted me with the finger, or I thought I was right there being hit with suitcases and thrown away with children...

Going into the yard to talk to the owners and apologize to them, I heard in the back - exactly the apple from the apple does not fall far away, as ugly as her grandmother. The same one? Worse than 100 times, what kind of shit we grew up, not in vain they all hate us...

I regret that the grandmother had to lie, saying that people confused the house, or otherwise she would start to oppress herself again, that she did not greet her mother as appropriate...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna