— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Once the stories of transferring rights in the United States have gone, I will add my own. We sit with my husband in a row in New Jersey, wait for us to be called and talk quietly. Together sit two, say so, "brothers" young, pumped guys and talk loudly in Russian. They heard us and one is right away. “You don’t know,” he says to me, “how much it costs and who can be given that the exam would be put.” I did not even understand at first. "Well, to pay that would be issued without the exam, that would not pass it," he added, seeing that I am not scorned. “What to give,” I said, “can be in Russian, there is nothing to do, it is easy.” “Knees,” he shouted, “there the grandmother says it’s like hanging two fingers!” Well, I didn’t really say that, but everyone interprets as he understands. As a result, they went to the exam as if they were scared. We went out and met them again. I have never seen such pride. They just glowed and chanted their breasts, "We gave up!Same" It was probably the first time in their lives, so they were proud of themselves. Congratulations, there is always a starting point.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna