— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I remember a case: I decided to terminate the insurance agreement of the OGBO (compulsory car driver insurance). With these thoughts, he walked past the insurance company on foot, that day was without a car, and decided to go to them.

I say, say, so and so, I want to dissolve, without explaining the reasons. I am asked to provide the original insurance. I answer them that you are not with you, go far away, maybe you will dissolve it? No, a girl answers me, I can’t.

I ask, on the basis of what can not? I am given some document with the rules of registration and termination of insurance policies, I decided from the availability of time to read and then the eye stuck for the item about duplicates. And I was obscured: say, I ask a girl, and how much does the duplicate cost? It is free, they say. How long to do it? At ten, I heard the answer. Well, then let’s make a duplicate for me, because I “lost” the policy, and then we will cancel it.

The girl looked at me, but eventually we arranged a duplicate and dissolved it.

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