— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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In ancient times, in the year 2004 I found a point of sale of red brick in the MO at a price twice as high as in the Orlovsk region. He carried a brick on the "border" KAMAZE, and loaded it not with paddles, but folded it into the body manually. From the wagonets on the KAMAZ 5 loaders of the beautiful floor loaded me 5000 bricks in 2 hours. Break for lunch with a bottle of vodka.

I came to the facility (concrete, village of Jedochi), the workers tell me:

Take a selfie!

Are you crazy? Then we will only bury the hole on the road!

It’s not me, he said.

I raised the body and 12 Moldovans loaded the brick for 6 hours! I even fell asleep on the way back. The workers asked how much I was loaded?

Five women in two hours.

About the break for vodka did not talk, the men were as silent as they heard.

I don’t know what the prorab told them, but the next flights were unloaded in two hours, the same twelve people.

2.4 Moldovan men against one Orlov woman! Here is gender equality.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna