— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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List of stories from yesterday and yesterday:
The story from the mouth of a familiar baking man, a very business man, who did nothing to make money, which he always managed.
He lived temporarily in the devastating 90s in Minsk and was engaged in business. There was a certain Syrian who was studying at a medical institute, who was wanted to be thrown out for money by bad people. This friend helped the Syrian to do this and returned all his money. We move to the present days, Germany, this baking man thanks to his Jewish wife lives in Germany and has his car house. He finds on the internet a suitable car 400 km from home, calls the owner and goes there with his son, for the race. Out of the traffic jams come only in the evening, and in the courtyard winter and cold. The car seller is waiting for them, the owner is definitely not a German, but a very solid doctor, as he said. They go into the garage to look at the car, here the owner looks very closely at the bacon, a few minutes in confusion and asks him about Minsk and the 90s. The Bakinets is the Syrian he helped then. In short, the doctor lowers the price of the car to dishonesty, covers the table at home and does not let guests go anywhere for the night.
Do good and it will return to you.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna