— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Just two cats carry a disabled dog across the road

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Our youngest cat came from our neighbors. She lived in their courtyard, on trees with white trees, almost wild, considered herself a little white - a cat walked on the wires, to the horror of the spectators... Then the neighbors moved and took her with them. And she returned. The white and the native tree.
He begged to eat. We took her. The older man poured a little out of the bowl with cat food, and the bowl was right next to it and forgot. The cat has eaten the spilled, wants more - and can not open the bowl. She went to the bushes, brought a striped friend - enote. Enot opened the bowl, and they sat in two throats next to this prey and ate it.
Cooperation in the wild is at the height.

My friend in Toronto was sitting on the veranda, reading a book and crushing chips from a bowl next door. At some point, I realized that Krustit was not alone. He looks, and next to him, the enot sat humanly and also puts his foot in the bowl and tossed the chips.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna