— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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A colleague at work during the watch took it for this, then for that, and then when he left home, he took a little more, and eventually got something about 2500 rubles. (2014 the year). He went home. Debt promised to return, and never returned, died in a dream of Quincke's edema.

Together with another colleague, they were on the train for the third day, then another 5 days of the helicopter was waiting for the departure to the facility. They ate and drank for my money. He borrowed me 6500 rubles. Upon returning home, one of my colleagues immediately paid me the debt as soon as we were counted in the office. The second one had to be given later. But I never gave it. Eventually, I fell under the train.

The energy engineer, already at another place of work, was familiar with them. He owed me 500 rubles for two years. So I told him these two stories, and in a minute he pulled me 500 rubles and said, "You carry some hernia, take away from sin!"

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna