— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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He was on a trip abroad, and his son had a birthday. I gave him a bottle of wine as a gift. Specifically asked the seller to advise something better, because I do not understand it myself.

I gave. The man rejoiced:

“Well,” he says, “we’ll open it together next weekend.

I come to visit them. Organize a small table. Open the bottle. The taste is pure. It is not of the best quality. Even the smell is disgusting.

- Fuck, sorry, the seller fell sick someone advised, I was upset.

Here comes his wife:

He ate your whiskey the first night. I’ve been around with a bottle all day. And then the same ones poured there with tea...

- Great whisker, bring more, I just thought, you still don't ball, you won't notice.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna