— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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It was 6 years ago. I rested in Sochi. I lived in an apartment with a large bed. Next to the bed there were 2 covered tubes on which the lights stood (this is important).

After resting and walking around the city, he took a little wine and in the evening watching TV "condemned" him. I do not remember asleep.

I dreamed that someone took my hand and dragged me into the sea. I stand up and I don’t go. It lasted about an hour in the sleep.

Suddenly, this entity that dragged me into the sea suddenly let me go. And I wake up from the fact that someone dropped the lamp from the tub. At that moment, I was thrown into the heat and a little “Poperdolilo”. I jumped up sharply and began to look into the darkness without realizing what was going on. At some point (per my brain hasn’t awakened yet) I decided to wipe my eyes and look into the dark.

And as soon as I thought about it, I got a tough “LIP” straight on my face.

I specifically "Poperdolil" at this point and started to get up, and then I realized that my right hand is missing. I do not feel her. Trying again to reach the lamp on the second tub, I realized that I was missing. It started to get a hard tingling in the hand and it became horribly funny.

Then I realized that when I fell asleep I hand over. In a dream, she fell on a covering tub and removed the lamp. And when I was trying to wipe my eyes, the numb hand gave me a "Lash".

I sat a long time and shrugged my hand. It was funny, but it was scary.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna