— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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A little about effective managers, and "yes behind the fence of such"

I work as an installor. We are building the bridge at the final stage. It is time to start painting. The general contractor contacts with the organization, which is professionally engaged in the painting of bridges and painted all our previous objects, and proclaims the price of 6 million. (I do not know the exact amount). Malaria, categorically disagree to work for such a sum, at least 20 million. The contractor includes the "yes, such behind the fence line" function and finds a contractor ready to paint for 6 million.

A brigade of "painters" arrives at the facility: they are enlisted elementarily by announcement, everyone sees each other for the first time, with the bridges never encountered, and... guess how many among them prof. Malaria... one that they have a type of master and then an automaker.

Well, then everything is predictable: three days they walk around the bridge, not knowing where and how to start. It starts with half grief. Techniques and tools are zero. Everything is rented from us.

Looking at their work, I wanted to laugh... a second, and then you realized that the bridge could not be painted, and the deadlines are not endless, and it was no longer to laugh.

They sanded the metal, immediately washed it, it immediately rusted, they in shock began to sand again. And so once in a while. One day, two... two weeks, they didn’t even start painting.

They worked for less than a month. Work is done zero. Construction control did not take anything. And the time is all on the brink: soon autumn and the bridge is over.

The general contractor connects with the first brigade, agrees for 20 million. They come to the facility and in two weeks made 70 percent.

Everything seemed, conclusions were made, mistakes corrected. by Her.

It is necessary to pull the lighting on the bridge, the general contractor again rows the price, the electricians naturally refuse... and when the general contractor comes to them for the second time, they want not 3, but 5 million.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna