— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I was 5. I went with my father to the garage. Go to go. My dad bought me a bowl of soda and ice cream. Something else I haven’t seen.

We went into the garage and immediately “drawed” some uncle. He knew everyone, everyone greeted him, then me. The case went to the table. Breakfast, vodka and talk. They sat down and talked. I walked through the garage, dealing with my children’s affairs. He broke the nails, twisted some bullets. Broke the grass.

Time to go home. I got instructions from my father – don’t tell my mom! I understood?

I understood what I did not understand. I will not give up my father's father, I decided firmly.

We enter home. I am I, M is my mother.

M: Where were they?

I am in the garage.

M: What did they do?

I : Nothing. I went and looked at the car.

Q: Have you drunk?

I am no.

M: What did you eat?

I am a selenium!

My father and mother laughed a long time. Mom knew why and where he went, and Dad decided to check if I would give him up. No one is a traitor :)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna