— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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One day a friend invited me to a free meeting dedicated to a new fashion industry in which she wanted to work. The meeting was held in a large restaurant with a stage for speakers.

I came early, sat down at a free table closer to the stage and waited for a friend. Suddenly I see two strangers argue emotionally, constantly pointing their fingers at me. They stood far enough so they couldn’t be heard, but I decided to have a conversation about “all the babies are like that...” and got stuck in the phone.

At the end of the meeting, they announce that a ticket for the conference (which at the time was worth 15k) will be played now, and it was already glued under one of the chairs in advance. I checked out, bingo! I have a ticket.

By that time I already knew that the two men were the organizers of the meeting, so I angered them by accidentally sitting in a place specially designed for the pre-selected "winner" :D

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna