— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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A long time ago a friend told me.

I went to the village once after working with my parents. Driving very far. He left the city, travelled on the federal road, turned on a secondary road. I see a girl standing and voting. I don't like to take strangers, but this time I decided to stop, because I already started to fall asleep and thought that the conversation with the girl would excite me.

Asked where she wanted to go, she replied that in one of the villages on the way. We went, we went, we talked. Communicated mainly on general human topics, such as weather, work, politics. It turned out that the girl was married, her husband was a watchdog, she worked in her village as a nurse, went to the city to submit documents to the medical institute. Time has passed unnoticed, there is very little to go. And suddenly she asks, “Listen, and how do I better calculate the way with you?” I wore up. What does it mean how? I did not plan to pay for the trip. She noticed my confusion and added, “Just with money is the tension right now. They are, and I can give a little, but it is better to pay naturally.” I stopped blinking, afraid of luck to scare. The girl is young, very beautiful face, figurative. “Surely my husband has been on the guard for a long time,” it whispered in my head. Can you kill two rabbits at the same time? And for travel to calculate and craving for a man to ease. Without looking at her, he replied, “Maybe in nature.” I felt red at that moment. Tom has agreed.

We went to her village, showed her how to get home, stopped at the gate. She came out of the car: “Everything is in power, we calculate nature?” I cried out. “Wait here a little,” she said and went into the yard. Maybe she decided to put the bed in order, maybe herself. I shut down the engine, removed the keys in the bag. I have never smiled more than then, probably never. I screamed, I turned my head to the sound and suddenly sweated - a strong man with a tail in his hand came out of the courtyard and confidently moved to my side. I picked out the key from the car from the bag, with shaking hands, I began to convulsively tick it into the ignition lock. The man approached and leaned to the open window: “I understand that you agreed with my wife to pay naturally?” I just loudly swallowed the saliva. The man pulled a plastic bag out of the window: “Thank you, friend, for entering the position. Behold, you have two dozen eggs, but you do not leave, I will cut off the meat in the pot now and bring it to you.”

I remember further events confusingly. He took the meat, left, and went to his parents. Only then exhaled.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna