— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I met a single girl at work. That, the fifth, the tenth, came from the village, 20 km from the city. He lives in the city and goes to the village for a weekend with his parents.

Somewhere for a month "talk" and she invites to her village at a disco for the weekend. The night was decided by her friend.

I had a floating weekend and a non-normalized working day did not coincide with her schedule.

I got rid of all the worries closer to the night my phone to this was stuck with missed calls and text messages from the girl.

When I call you, I’ll call a taxi and go overnight.

Somewhere after half an hour arriving at the place, the taxi driver brought him straight to the club, called the girl again. A few minutes later, she painted before entering the club with her friends. It's a little sluggish, it's not acceptable to go to the club sober.

There was a small group of local people at the entrance. Looking at us with interest.

While I was talking to a friend, the group went out together somewhere at night. Here it would be to think about, but as they say hormones, youth, sometimes in general)

I went to the club and it didn’t take 5 minutes as my friend someone called and she went out.

In a few minutes, he comes in a quick step to me.

"We need to go away urgently, my former half-city has gathered, they will beat you."

Already on the street, I saw a crowd moving towards the club visually increasing as it approached. The lights stood on the way to the club on all the pillars, which is rare.

Someone from the crowd shouted, “Here he is, catch him!” The trousers were filled with bricks.

The only thing a girlfriend could offer was to run to the track and catch up on some sidewalk.

And I broke.

By feeling, I passed all school norms on running and confidently went to the master of sports.

Now, after time, it looks funny to me) But then I wasn’t laughing.

I was rescued by a taxi driver. He landed somebody and I just ran ahead of him at that moment.

The taxi driver, seeing me carrying with shaken eyes and the crowd behind me, instantly opened the door of the car and immediately sat down for the wheel.

When I got into the car, in a fraction of a second, I locked all the doors and shouted to the taxi driver, “Hunt you!

Two times it did not have to repeat, the taxi driver drowned from the place.

There were screams, threats and threats behind us.

I did not go to the village with her anymore.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna