— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The Jewish Scheme
“Their circle is narrow, they are terribly far from the people.”

In Peter, next to the shelter where I lived, was fashionable in the cabbage area. In the evening, local bandits came to him on the nine to spend their billions earned in the morning.
For the most part, it was dangerous for a normal person to even walk near that cabbage and its inhabitants. The times were harsh, and the morals unstoppable. Beginning of the nineties. Little, you go past and you will be asked, “What do you look like this? Audacious?” or “What do you look in the eyes of people, you are not behind?” The second or third question will already sound like this: “We went to re-design the apartment. Who is written in it besides you?”

If you think I exaggerated, you are just lucky not to live in those times.

In this same cabbage, a day later, in the evenings, my comrade, an astute Jew named Trub (once he studied at the Division of Spiritual Instruments, and then dropped, and the nickname remained).
Naturally, the Tubes had clashes with the bandits every day. Regular visitors knew him, of course, and respectfully greeted him with both hands, but with strangers, there were problems almost daily. Someone the Trubus did not let into the cabbage, the brothers were bullshit, grabbed the Trubus for the chest, were going to break his nose, and the Trubus had a very elaborate scheme for this case. After a moment, he said in a calm and convincing voice:

and stop! You are seven, and I am alone. If you are the right people and have the desire to deal with it, then I am ready with any of you to come out right now and right here one-on-one and resolve our conflict. If you do not want it yourself, please put any other of your fighters against me. I’m here until morning so you have time to go for it.

Usually, in nine out of ten cases, the boys from such a frank scheme somewhat cooled, "gave back" and "fused" And if someone, still accepted the challenge (which did not happen often), then the Tube cut off the opponent as quickly and prominently as possible, trying not to break anything to him. He was mostly “on the livery” as he called it.
In general, it is not a great merit, of course, if you are a master of the sport of the international class in boxing, and also acting.
I once asked him:

- Tub, you have a great scheme, of course, but it can also fail. Are you not afraid that suddenly another gang will bring a boxer who will still be able to cut you off? What then?
Do you want to talk to a Jew? ha ha! Those who can cut me off, I am not afraid.
Why this?
That’s why, one day, it happened as you say. I had a snack with some Armenians, they accepted my challenge and said that now they will bring the fighter, prepare, say, to death. In the morning with them really came a huge Ara, came out of the car, approached me... we hugged, he sat back in the car and immediately left.
At that time, Arya and I traveled around the world for youth championships.
I know everyone who can beat me from childhood, they’re fifteen and they’re my best friends.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna