— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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By the way, about mushrooms.
When I was young, I was not taken to the forest. The older sisters were released.
And here they gathered together once in a company, a man can be five or six, with neighboring girlfriends, and ask the father.
“Daddy, can we take Burana with us?
The Buran was named a puppy, a very small puppy, whom his father brought only a few days ago. Not a dog, but a toy.
The father thought and said:
Well take it. Do not lose.
The puppy, though tiny, but intelligent, was running behind someone's heels all the time, so it was unlikely to get lost.
It is not close to the forest, five or six kilometers, but according to rural standards is normal. The puppy where with his feet, where on his arms, and in the woods all the time looked at him to be close. They picked up mushrooms, went out on the roof, sat down to rest, here on a collective farm truck passes by Uncle Sasha.
What, girls, have you picked up mushrooms? So sit down, I’ll go.
They, joyful, jumped into the body, he brought them to the village and brought them.
Back home, where is Buran? But not Burana. I forgot in the forest. When the joyful ones in the car loaded.
Oh, what started here. Tears and sweat. They ran back and where. My father just shrugged his hand. I was upset, of course, but I did not insult anyone, I allowed it, it was my fault. They burned for a day or two and forgot. The father said, don't cheer, I'll bring a new, the puppies in the wreath are still left.

Buran arrived in a week. All dirty, in repins, but very joyful. It is unclear how he found the way back. The cat would be lost.
Here it started again, - tears, tears, whispers, joy-filled pants. The father asks:
God, how did you survive?
And the puppy only knows the tail whipped and licked everyone.

How many years later I will not say, but Buran was already an adult, and I grew up, we went on mushrooms. And here he runs through the forest there and here, and at some point, and disappeared. I scream :
Buran to Buran!
And the silence.
I go, and he lies under the tree, and the white mushroom eats. Such a good mushroom, young, strong. I say :
What fucking do you do that? Go out of the jersey!
And he borovik doel, the root spit out, and then joyfully jumped.
He was in the woods and survived.
How many dogs I never met then, Buran was the only dog that ate mushrooms and berries. The mushrooms are exclusively white, and the berries are only berries.

(The replica "You don't want to live so fast" wanted to leave commentators, but did not. They will)

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