— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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At the end of the nineties worked in our school as a teacher of primary classes Eva Arkadievna P. - a wonderful soulful man, a high-class professional, who was respected and loved by boys, girls, and their parents. It was then that Eve Arkadievna was already under sixty and if she stood up on the weights, then from the height of her height of 160 cm she saw the arrow rolling up next to the mark "130 kg". That, however, did not prevent her from remaining cheerful, fun and energetic.
Following the tradition, she said:
The lesson is over, I let my first-class students go for a change, I write the topic of the next lesson in a journal and I see one boy standing next to me instead of running with them all into the hallway. He wants to say something, but is embarrassed. I ask :
What is it about, Sasha? Did you understand something in the class?
He nodded his head, saying no.
Did you not have time to write your homework? Have you lost something? Something is hurt?
All by the way. I lay down my pen, look him in the eyes and smile encouragingly.
Why don’t you go for change? Please speak, I listen carefully.
“I just want to tell you,” said Sasha, “I like to learn from you. You are interested in teaching us, and you are good and... - pause, - and you...
He is confused again, turns his eyes away – and I understand that the boy wants to make me a compliment, but the strict childish conscience does not allow me to be called beautiful. I’m already opening my mouth to thank him and send him to play with my friends... but here ingenuity wins! With a smile, Sasha joyfully says:
You look like Winnie the Pooh!
Then for a few seconds he looked at me critically and reasonably added:
Only your legs are longer.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna