— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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When I was taken to the restaurant, I was told not to pronounce the word "rat" at work, but to say "Nikolai". After all, if guests accidentally hear that rats are visiting us...
And so - "Yesterday evening in the warehouse Nikolai was seen, again the strawberries bite," - decently.
We fought, and sometimes we won. The kitchen and warehouse are closed hermetically. Poison was thrown. The sticky traps were rejected, because one day the bride grabbed like a whore who entered the kitchen at night. “The bird is sorry!” The sentimental hostess said. None of the dozens of spring mouse strikes in my memory ever worked.
And the most fairy Nicholas unobtrusively entered the restaurant, stumbling under the parade door, and stumbled through the whole hall under the bar stand. In winter, late in the evening, I went to warm up.
I didn’t see it, but I heard: a dozen ladies and the mistress were hanging in a choir!!! We picked up the knives and jumped out to protect the facility. The most striking of all was a dishwasher armed with a plastic hose. With this spell and was soon markedly covered by the naughty nicola.
One man at the end of the evening approached the hostess, thanked for the determined actions of the staff, left the phone. “If, I said, who will complain, I’m witnessing that the rat has come from the street.”
“Nicolas,” the housewife corrected.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna