— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Far 98 years, the dollar in the area of 7-8 rubles. I’m 8 years old and I’m a family: Mom and Dad.

Dad bought a TV. modern, with a controller, and not at all likely, as I thought at the time, to replace the old "Record", to which you need to walk with your feet, if you want to switch the channel.

I sat a new telephone with my mom and dad in the bedroom. And that means for another day in school, which seemed to happen with constant frequency - I get a ban from my father to watch TV during the daytime while my parents are at work all day. Verbal prohibition, no passwords, parental controls, etc. was not protected. Why when parents are not home all day and don’t turn on the incredible FoxKids channel at the time where 24/7 cool cartoons went, where dad will find out that I was watching the TV?

The day 1.

I fly from school - I turn on the TV and from noon to evening, just not moving away from it, I watch Pendosov cartoons one after the other on the above-mentioned channel. I turn off for 20 minutes before the arrival of my parents I mean a telephone, and I pretend that lessons lessons and only lessons occupied my whole day. Dad comes home, enters the bedroom and calls me out of the room, where I sit over a Russian language textbook and pretend to be a student. The further dialogue:

Why did I watch TV? I have forbidden.

I – I did not watch! (Stanislavsky would take me wherever I could.)

I watched and I know it!

In short, it was evident that he did not bluff and did not take the pot. He knew I was watching the TV. I got a hike and went to bite the granite of science until I was repelled.

The day 2.

All day in school, I thought: How could he know that I was watching a TV? I probably turned it off late, and it was still warm before his arrival, I probably did not fix the bed and it was visible that I was lying on it all day, and yet I did not put the control where I took. and all! Everything will be perfect today!

I fly home from school - I remember the location of objects before my intervention - I watch cartoons all day - I turn off for 1.5 hours before the arrival of the inspector, that the telephone would have time to cool, I put everything in the places where I took, I level the bed - I sit in the classroom - comes the father.

P – Come here my friend! (heard from the bedroom)

I – what happened? O_o (going into the bedroom)

Why did you watch TV again?

I - but I did not watch! (Stanislavsky wipes a tear from his cheeks)

P. gives me the nobles of such lilies, and I go into the hall, very upset no longer by the fact that they were abused, but by the fact that he did not bite the scheme as he learns that I was watching the telephone!

The Day 3.

All five lessons in school I thought about the bottom: I miss something, I miss something very important.

I couldn't understand - how he understood that I was watching the TV!

When I got home, I sat down against the TV off and looked at it. I thought about all the actions I did while watching the calf, and I wanted to guess how I left traces!

Taking the controller in my hands, I gently pressed the switch button. And then a huge light of awareness shone upon me from the sky! The TV is on 8 channels. The TV kept the channel on which it was turned off! (to the word "record" so did not know, and always turned on from 1 channel) Immediately I was enlightened that I can still remember the volume on which the TV was turned off, so I did, remembered the value of the volume and channel on which my friend was turned on for the whole day!

I watched cartoons all day - for 1, 5 hours before the time X I put the channel on which I was, I exhibit the volume that was - I turn off the telephone - I clean up the room - I put everything in my place - I sit in the hall for lessons. Father is coming. My heart wanted to get out of my chest and go to sunset, for the third time to be caught is a nightmare, the belt and my ass meet 100%.

P is excellent! Go here...

I am? ? to ? to ? to ? to ? to (Stanislavsky nominates me for all the awards that only exist in the theatre)

Q. You watched TV.

I am -

P - *#@$%^*&$@&*#$*@&#%! #$ and (! *#%(# and%^!

In short, I was in despair... I was empty of the idea of revealing my father’s scheme as a three-liter bank... My inner Stirlitz was uncovered once again and the instinct of self-preservation whispered to my ear – there was no attempt at all, Barikx you broke everything, reconcile and watch “Record” in the hall – where there was no Fox Kids channel...

The day 4.

I have to do it, I have to bite the algorithm of his actions when he comes home! I must solve the mystery of the century and commit the perfect crime.

I the TV. The pult. There is nothing more in this world. We remained three. I know that if I press the switch button now, there will be no way back. I was sitting and looking at the controller, I was looking at every button and wanted to understand what to press here, that would be carelessly watching for the rest of my life TV in secret from my father. I noticed one button. This is the return button to the previous channel. (who did not understand: there is a button on the controls, return to the channel that you watched before that on which you are now, i.e. you watched 7 - moved to 1, if you press this button - the TV will switch to 7)

My life was divided into before and after. I realized that when my dad comes home, he turns on the TV, presses that button, and the telecast naturally throws it on my favorite Fox Kids!

I turn on the TV, remember the channel that turned on, press the return button to the previous channel, remember the channel to which the telephone switched.

All day I watch the telephone - for 1, 5 hours I turn on the channel that was before, I switch to the channel that was when turned on, I expose the volume, I turn off the telephone, I clean up in the bedroom.

I sit in the room... I wait for the keys in the door to start ringing like my lever from fear. The father comes in, greets the excellent man and goes into the bedroom. To say that adrenaline I could have sold in the market at the time - nothing to say. The fear was incredible. I sat and waited every second - that he would call me as 3 days in a row before that...

One minute of silence from the bedroom seemed to me a year, I waited and waited... 2 minutes – 3 minutes – 5 minutes – and absolutely nothing... silence... It was Victory! Winning at my 8 years on my father =)

The perfect crime. I put everything on the last attempt and she was successful!

Then I watched the telecast all the days performing this algorithm of action when turned off and caught I was no longer...

p.s Yesterday, sitting in a restaurant with my father, I told him this story, he of course laughed a long time, and at the end said: If you told me then that you bite this algorithm, I would never ban you from watching the telecast again and would not press for your “Successes” in school!

All are good.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna