— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I worked in a company as an engineer, where moderate drunkenness was not denied. Well, that is, drinking a glass of beer at lunch was considered quite fine things. And next to the office was just a delicious German dining room, where when ordering a full lunch they poured a glass of beer for free, which we repeatedly used. So, my colleagues and I went for lunch, they brought us a beer, and immediately a healthy black fly fell into my glass. The waitress makes her big, frightened eyes and pronounces the phrase from which I fall under the table: “Thank God, she has drowned! Working all day, I couldn’t catch it! Now I’ll replace you with a beer and bring +1 as a thank you.”

Now I have the suspicions that the girl was well instructed to immediately issue such phrases on emergency situations, and most likely the phrase was long learned. But I still want to believe that the girl was just ingenious.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna