— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I remembered one case. Leased in a year like 2008 for the purpose of producing furniture, the room was not expensive, completely empty, there was never heating, iron gates without a hint of any type of seal, 3 phases were introduced, and the accounting shield. tk. They knew what they were going to do, improved in the shortest possible time, made heating, lighting, changed the gate and it was fine. Time passed, the work burst. A year later, the landlord, apparently looking at what magnificence it gives almost for nothing, decided to raise the price to the level of the corresponding property. Without thinking for a long time, we come to the industrial zone across the road, the squares are slightly smaller, but the conditions were as early as before. Demonstrated heating, lighting, returned to the place the old gates - in general left as it was.

by the tenant:????? to

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna