— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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A colleague at work told me how scary and unusual he once caught a stroke. The case was three years ago. A colleague, let’s call him Juric, a man of moderate responsibility, almost an athlete, cuddles only on Fridays and rarely on Saturdays. In general, on that shit day, he was sitting at work not as usual until six o’clock in the evening, and asked home early, what kind of anxiety he was. So rushed home that even the phone left at work. He jumped into the road, his last stop in Murino, and fell asleep on the road, without sticking to the phone. He wakes up in the bus next to his new buildings why he is completely alone, even driving somewhere gone, can smoke. Yes, and kiss him, Yuri scratched to his new buildings to have time to rest until the next working day. He goes, rushes, but only his legs, like strangers after sleep, as if they were hanging in the asphalt. Difficult to get to the paradehouse, he sees the door on the doorstep, there is no light on the site. Well, he thinks, crazy builders, the conduction shit, the tension does not hold. He goes up to the elevator and it doesn’t work. Nothing to do, walk to the sixth floor. It rises, and the legs in general, like in viscous clay, barely walk around the thunder, only high in the thunder light burns and some sound is low, like from a diesel engine. Yuri was already frankly crazy and scary, the thought was only to get there. On the third flight he decided to sit down to rest. He went down the staircase, massaged his legs, suddenly felt as if someone's hand was on his shoulder, turned back, and there in the darkness was a silhouette, you can figure out who. Jurets walked out of fear and fainted, and woke up already in the hospital bed, all in the tubes. He waited for his sister and immediately asked who brought him here. In short, it turned out that he fell unconscious at work, a stroke happened to him, and everything else absorbed him like in a good movie, only with personal participation. Life has gradually improved, the legs walk, the head thinks, although health can no longer be restored. This movie with the main role will never be forgotten.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna