— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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When I was a child, I had a favorite soft toy – the dog Lisa. Bright yellow, with a short barbed wool and a tailed red thread lips down, which gave her mouth a sad expression. And I thought she was a dog, and my mom said she was more like a sheep... Well, it doesn’t matter. I slept with her, wearing her everywhere, until the misfortune happened. I went somewhere with my parents and left her in the garden on the street, and during this time the rain passed.

I don't remember what was there for the filler, but the dog lost shape. Per it could have been crushed and dried, but nobody had guessed. But another idea arose - I probably had nothing to say to people... ) The idea was to arrange a farewell and a funeral for the dog.

A small box was found, a hole was excavated in the remote corner of the garden, and I sprinkled a bunch of flowers... In general, the earth was filled with you, Lisa, and I was sad.

I saddened for a long time, because I was a conservative in relation to everything I loved. I had more toys, but not that, I used to playing and sleeping with yellowish sad Lisa. And in general – how? ! to She is there, lying there under the ground in her box, although dirty after that rain, and her legs curved.

Yes is. I secretly excavated it that same summer, a month and a half later. Since then, there has been more rain, there have been spots to the fabric on the "haired" places, the shape of Lisa has lost even more, but it didn't matter to me. I dried her and happily dragged her home and laid her to sleep with me. Confusingly realizing that my parents are unlikely to approve of my necrophilia, I hid it and told nothing about it, of course... And when they found it, they told me nothing. You probably didn’t find words, how better to talk to me about it.

Lisa disappeared again, this time forever. Although I was looking for it, if I knew where to look, I would have found it from underground... But you already know.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna