— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Wonderful world of electricity and human, I don’t even know how to say it without insults, carelessness.

The essence of the story: my, then a girl, while she was studying, lived in communion.

Someday I go for her after work, and she has a clear smell of fire in the room.

I began to watch: the rocket from the load floated and burned a little.

Well, I think it’s not a problem: I went and bought a socket, took tools at work (good worked next door).

He made a sign from his hand: “Don’t include. The repair is going.” He hanged on a rubber in a shield.

He cleaned the room and with a calm soul went to change the rosette.

I immediately say: I have a habit, because I am not an electrician by vocation, and sometimes because of circumstances, even on wire wire I try not to touch naked parts.

I changed the socket, I went out to the venue, and there are girls from the neighboring room and smoking.

I look at the shield, and my sign is removed and the rubber is turned on.

I ask the girl: did not see, by chance, who turned on?

I get a good answer that they included it.

I came home and there was no light. Go and turn on.

They saw the table, but they needed electricity.

So the table is not a panacea.

We have problems with people’s brains.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna