— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The district pediatrician.
Three minutes of fame and dismissal.

One beautiful winter day, a local colleague from the fifth district, Irina Lvova (the only local pediatrician in the million-city and three-million Ural region, a candidate of medical sciences, and this is in the province to) asked me if I didn’t want to come to Moscow for some sort of Soviet mores.
It turned out that her father, Joseph Khodorkovsky (not even the same family now sounds))) heads our regional association of morges, in one of the clubs of which I myself swim and lead groups of healthy and sick children.
Moreover, I may be given a word about our club there.
Why not go, it is interesting!
He went joyfully to the clinic, said so and so, morge, groups of children, results, Moscow, a story about us, went away at his own expense...

Shizhu, and three times.

First I was asked to prepare and show a “report.”
I understood it and sat down to write it.
The next day, after hearing, together with the poliklinic and the head of my second poliklinical department, what I had time to come up with and record an hour before the “listening,” the head doctor, taking my “report” with two fingers, shrugged the sponges and flushed - and with this (shaking the sheets of the report) Did you go to speak for the whole Union? And by this (again, the blatant shaking of leaves and the curvature of sponges) will the whole country judge by our work?? to

I understood everything and went to the doctor. A young man, quite sensible, really classy children's resuscitator with the "Emergency", was my mentor in the internship on the cycle of "child resuscitation", recently appointed our chief.
He listened to me and said in his own way, “Listen, why should you go there?” You will only benefit yourself there. And while I was stupidly thinking, what is the use here and what is it, he added: but let the clinic go to Moscow, tell us about us there (us??!)) And when it comes back, it will benefit the whole of the Leningrad region.

I again understood everything and went to take the plane tickets, on Friday evening - to Moscow, on Sunday evening - back, the seminar was just scheduled for Saturday and Sunday, but the trip - on Friday afternoon.
Upon returning to the clinic, I was informed in the registration that I was placed two shifts on the emergency, absolutely, of course, by chance, but - on Saturday and Sunday, and "particularly asked to pass," that the failure to go - is a walk with all the consequences.

Once again, having decided that I again understood everything, I went, donated blood, and asked to pass on to the bosses - that I have donor retreats, and that if there is no signature under the schedule - all the bosses can go on this emergency where they consider it necessary. They simply did not know that the administrative-bureaucratic-party machinery had already passed in my opinion in the institute, having excluded a couple of times from the party), that their small wickedness was a childish slander compared to the righteous anger of the district committee and the district committee, there is a story about it.

He flew to Moscow, arrived at some Vatutinok, there was a sanatorium shelter and a scattered act hall.
The seminar began this morning. The presidium, as appropriate, and a 70-80 person in the hall is sitting, watching.
First, the professors and academics broadcast something very interesting and very incomprehensible, then released an enthusiast, who urged everyone to immediately climb into the breakthrough. Then again a couple of professors with very careful recommendations and again a morje enthusiast with an appeal to all and all to treat only a breakthrough...
By the way, then, for the first time, I realized the difference between a fan and an enthusiast, regardless of the sphere of activity. I always help enthusiasts, I consider fans to be plague and contagious.
When the turn still came to me, I just went out on stage and told what and how we do, which of the sick children we bath in the pit, how we do it, what contraindications and indications to this we consider, what results, who of the doctors and parents how to this.
It was here that I learned that, it turns out, conservative doctors, on the one hand, were then fighting the wall on the wall on the subject of "marging", and the morge who were not afraid of anything, on the other.
And here I am, such a fashionable and beautiful - and a doctor, and the tests I do, the cards I lead, - and the morge himself, the hands from the pedestrian to the icebreaker like hooks already.
I came down from the stage, a couple of people approached me with questions, and I asked them to go out into the hallway. We go out, after us a real slide came out, the next speaker was very offended, they say. I spent an hour answering questions and telling. I finished, staring at the sides, saying who else needs to tell.
Here two women come to me, one from the organizing committee of the seminar, and take me aside. It turns out, the plot of the program "Health" is being prepared for the First Channel, I was asked to give an interview, if, of course, I don't mind. I was not against and I was taken somewhere across the corner, with the words - let's go away, or these eNoNoNatics will not let the story be recorded.
The correspondent asked Roze not to crack, not to curl his finger in his nose, look at her, not the camera, and answer briefly, without boredom and in a simpler way, so that everyone understands.
Twenty-three minutes later I went back to warm up the room. For another day, before the end of the seminar, I was repeatedly caught on one side, on the other, with the demands of “explain to these fools what...”, “well you are ours, doctor (morj), tell them what...”

Returned home, went out to work on Monday, no one makes any appearances, but somehow he looks bad, not good.

A few weeks later it exploded.

First I published my article in Komsomolskaya Pravda, and this newspaper of the Central Committee was, 44 million copies daily, if I am not mistaken.
I sent a foolish letter there in the autumn, telling us how we organized a team at the Ufa Children's House No. 3 at the institute. The correspondent of Komsomolki, Inna Rudenko, called me again, clarified something, came to Ufa, checked everything, edited the letter - and a sketch for 2/3 of the strip came out with my signature and the place of work.
And to get a positive assessment in Komsomolka in those years is like a free passage to the first rows on Pugachev / Leps / Brezhnev / Timati / Morgenshthal or as it is there, whoever likes it, shorter.
Right in the morning from the party committee calls in the hill - "Molods! You work well! We were seen on top.” The joyful mountain bells in the rainbow - "Moldi! We are on the top!” From the district committee a call to the chief doctor - "young boy! You have a good change! We were appreciated from Moscow!”
By lunch, the chief doctor called the clinic...I don’t know what he said to her, but her love for me didn’t add, quite the opposite.
And literally ten days later, on Sunday, on the First channel of the Central Television of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in the most rating broadcast of the time "Health" with Eleonora Belianchikova, now even to compare in viewability close there is no broadcast such or host, comes out the same interview with me, whispering the nose on the camera and excitedly something there broadcasting...
Obkom calls in the hillside... the hillside in the countryside... the rainbow - the chief doctor... the one who is completely awkward - again a poliklinik... and she is just tearing in pieces - it was about her to make a story and show on television, it was she was supposed to go to Moscow, it was she was supposed to go now calls with enthusiasm and wishes, and not this is unclear where she came from a curly high blue-eyed jump-off party...

That I was started to be harassed not in a childlike way, I understood far from immediately, except for calls-requests-work, seeing nothing around. Just when suddenly a colleague refused to sit down with me next to me to talk, and even with the words - I'm what, stupid with you to sit next to me, so that I'm off with you... I finally broke my eyes and saw that all the chairs in front/back and right/left of me are empty, although there is a lot of people, and the hall is small.

But I had to quit in three or four months, after the story with the pioneer camp.
But this is another story, I will write a little later, now there is no time.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna