— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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xxx: I had to somehow go on a blacar, from Sochi to Krasnodar, after this trip, I decided for myself that it was the first and the last, the car was Kalina sport, and the driver, really wanted to show that the car was the sport!

The guy a week ago got the rights, and chased it so that only the tire whispered at the turns, on my question, what is the point of taking the passenger 500p and chasing under the cameras, with excess, if min. The penalty was also 500 r, no clear answer was received. Somewhere in the hot-key on the track saddled the patrol with goats and when they saw Kalina with the shoemaker behind the wheel, they joyfully struck the sticks. The driver instead of stopping, drowned again, with the words - who will catch up... Kilometers after 20 haishniks hit the car, pulled the steering wheel, and pulled it with me, and I then went to Krasnodar for another 2 hours.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna