— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Doctors of the City of Dr. Zivago

A few years have passed since I finished my “departmental career as a pediatrician” and started depicting myself as a domestic businessman earning where, what and how much I could. At the same time, I was often asked by friends, colleagues, former patients or parents of former patients to "look, advise, advise".
Here and then the future wife asked "just look at the girlfriend's child, something is sick."
Yes with pleasure. We come in the evening to a friend - a child aged 10-12, so bitten, calm, everything is fine, nothing hurts.
Three days ago I had a little bit of stomach.
My mother caused a district - some kind of mild gastritis.
The grandmother called the ambulance in the evening - those, except for the red throat, found nothing.
Grandfather called a good acquaintance - a professor from the medical institute - residual phenomena of ARI.
Mother seemed little and she called the district again - for which she received an easy escape from him for meaningless anxiety.
Then there was, in my opinion, an urgent...
I looked at the child, also found nothing - the throat slightly swollen, the lymph nodes medium, the breath clean, the stomach fatty, soft, the kidneys do not respond.
In the faces of others I realized that I absolutely did not justify their hopes - and looked again. Again nothing. The condemnation and disappointment of me in the households increased.
He stopped touching and looking at the child, just sat next to him and began to “feel” him.
The surroundings continued to quietly confuse and strengthened the expression of the faces.
... the throat - nothing, the heart - nothing, the lungs - nothing, the stomach - nothing, the liver - a little something is felt (a thick guy, or the gallbladder, or the canals are narrowed), the kidneys - nothing.
I sat down, I thought, I call a friend-surgeon: I apologize for almost the night call, so say and so, everything is okay, I see nothing, if it is very stricken - something in the liver, it is uncomfortable to bother, but people are good, look condemning, don't want to repair, again the future spouse nearby, will not the Great Guru give advice...
Andrei snorted something about foolish ex-pediatrists lying wrong (in the stomach??) I asked for the address. After thirty minutes - we coffee with the mother of the child not have time to drink - comes. He preciously led his moustaches, kissed his mother along with his grandmother, examined the child and said to go and go to the hospital, look at it in detail. At the grandmother’s suggestion to “wait until morning” he courteously sent her. She was told to sit at home, but her mother, who was carnivorously looking at her by the lieutenant Rzhevsky, also had to go.
Andrei in his car, we with the child and a selfish mommy - on their own, in an hour at 4 p.m.
The examination, the express blood test, comes out satisfied Andrei and says that now they will do a laparoscopy (a small perforation in the anterior abdominal wall) and through the probe will see what is there and how, since in the tests clear inflammation, minutes after 15-20 he will tell us everything.
After 15 minutes, a nurse who knew me well looked at him and greeted me. After 15 minutes, she made us all tea, put a box of candy, at the same time on duty, whispered to me that "Andrei Vladimirovich was out for two days, just left home, and you pulled him back, he did not even have time to drink tea at home."
30 minutes later, she told us not to worry, because “the whole brigade has already arrived and everyone is in the operating room.”
Looking at the whitened mommy, she asked, and what I have, and is it better for her to drip valerian or immediately pour cognac?
Gathered in Valerian.
At two o’clock, the smiling Andrew arrives.
There is nothing outside inspection. But I, like you, don’t like something about the liver. But in the analyses - clear inflammation. We do laparoscopy - nothing but the blood vessels are enlarged, possibly catarrhal appendicitis. The appendix itself is not visible, it is hidden behind the intestine. We give anesthesia and go for a cavity surgery. I take my hand for the intestine - the appendix will go out. When we cleaned it, it broke out in a towel right in my hand. and appendicitis. Another maximum of an hour and a half - and would be guaranteed to get peritonitis."
Andrei did not go home, "I had time to eat half-dinner at home before your call, so now I will sleep here, in three hours the change is still beginning."

Twenty-five years later, in the spring of 2020, the chief physician of 4 GKB Ronsin Andrei Vladimirovich, including for the organization of treatment of coronavirus infection, was awarded the medal of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" II degree by the decree of the President of the Russian Federation.

In this, which was released under the New 2021 Year, the video about the cowboy was sung and played by employees of the 4 GKB; the first singing, squeezed and in the glasses - the chief physician, Andrei Ronsin.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna