— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Dima, our old friend, who got married late enough, desperate Childfrey... It’s late enough – it’s after forty.
Married two years ago, and a year ago decided to move (according to our example) from the city to the country.
And in the neighbors, a two-year-old boy, Eliseo, - who melted Dima's heart to such an extent that Dima put a boy in his car, allowed any buttons.
He himself went out.
Eliseo pushed until he locked himself in the car (the key was left inside the car)

Duma our ran around the car, tried to break the lock, became nervous, and even called the service to open the locks.
Then came another neighbor, a former military officer.
Quickly getting into the situation, he asked for a lamp, and simply devoted to the locking button.
Two-year-old Eliseo as a command pressed this button, and unlocked the car, thus saving himself)))
The neighbor explained that he previously worked with service dogs, and children and dogs have the same thinking.

A brilliant neighbor in my opinion.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna