— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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When I was very young, I noticed a strange ritual in dogs - to smell each other under the tail when they meet. The meaning of this was incomprehensible, he turned to his father for explanations. The East had the following story:

A long time ago, dogs wanted to go to the moon. They decided to jump each other on their backs and thus build a tower to the moon itself. But when they almost reached her, a dog down there cracked, and they all dispersed. Now they go and look for who it was.”

It sounded credible. I don't know if my father invented it himself or heard it somewhere, but I remembered the story. And so far (I 32), as I see dogs dating on the street, I remember it - they still did not find it, they are looking for everything)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna