— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Recently from the rental apartment came tenants, good guys. I bought a mortgage apartment. They called me to give me the keys to check out if necessary. Since the son who in May will be 6 years old to leave was with no one, took with him. Coming into the apartment, I say to my son dress up passes, you have to notice he has never heard of this apartment. The little boy taking off his shoes asks: Daddy, where are we going? I answer seriously, well, it is said, your apartment now, you will live here on your own, you will always say that you are an adult. One shoe hangs in the air, the eyebrows knock, such a grief in the eyes I have never seen.

Dad, you know that I don’t know how to feed. I keep my property in me, I don’t give up, I wait. The little one looks at me, waiting for me to smile and say, “I’m joking, baby.” I hold on. The joke opened after the phrase "Papa and garden on which side". I think you are good, adult.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna