— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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My grandfather lives in the village with a dog. This is the case when a dog is considered a full-fledged worker in the farm: she pasture goats, drive them into the yard, etc. Salary is food. Apparently the dog is the best worker of the month 12 times a year, because the dog's neck is wider than its belly. No, he is not thick at all, just from a small palterrier puppy a mahina grew up like a Caucasian shepherd.
But for my grandfather, this mountain of muscles has remained a small Bim to this day.

In the morning I solemnly carried the goats a sliced grass and I see a painting. Comrade dog takes out a goat’s egg and pulls it into the bucket. I scream to him, but he just doesn’t hear. Not even shuffled. The dog is kind, but I am not his owner. not used. I complain to my grandfather. The grandfather comes out of the house and takes serious steps toward the booth. I think all. Hana the dog. Grandfather approaches the booth exactly at the moment when Bim has another goat egg in his teeth.
and silence. Everybody stands like stumbled.
And here there is a long, very serious and maximum full of meaning: “Nowowow”
It was scary even to me.
The dog silently puts the egg back into the nest where it took it.
The grandfather, realizing that there are still eggs in the bucket, says, “Are you holding me a fool?”
For a minute, all the eggs were in the nest.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna