— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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A sunny, hot summer day. My husband and I walk out of the park on a long, well-maintained sidewalk. I am pregnant with my first child and will be giving birth in a month.

Do you know these beautiful pregnant women, whose stomachs are sweetly rounded over time, and they, beautiful, crack to the very birth, causing the affection of others? It was not about me. I rounded up. I grew up where I shouldn’t. Nose of potatoes, +2 feet size, cheeks, which was visible even from the back of the neck.

The mood was just at zero. One fat penguin, who falls from foot to foot, hates everyone around, constantly eats tomatoes and smells of tiled glue.

From the store came a young mom with a wheelchair and was right in front of us. She probably belonged to the first type of woman, because her figure was the most juicy. At least from behind. She spoke on the phone and walked very swiftly, and I unwittingly looked at her beautiful pop and long, slim legs.

I remembered that my husband was next door. He sees it too! And he sees me, such a thin, enormous penguin.

I turn my head to see if my husband is still looking.

You know this phenomenon, when you go with a man, before you appears some busty blonde, and the man begins to actively watch on his legs, count the fanary columns, look into the horizon - anything, only to accidentally not look and not face the angry look of his half?

Well, I even looked very much. Directly watched. And even what I watched him, I looked at him in focus, did not bother him at all! I was a little discouraged by such a sincere behavior and asked, “What, do you like?” He looked at me and thoughtfully replied, “Well, nothing like that.”

In this place my world collapsed. Everything is gathered together. Hormonal leaps, caffeine deficiency, this nocturnal heartburn, terrifying pain throughout the body and an extremely sick husband. I just wanted to get the baby out of my stomach and get it in my husband. To make it he was so fat and unhappy, and I went and watched the pumped beauties. I wanted to jump on him from behind and squeeze his eyes so that he would never see any female ass again.

But I took a breath, gathered up, and with a slightly trembling voice said, “Well, come then, why are you going here with me?”

And you know what? He really accelerated the step and caught her. The girl felt his approach and questioningly looked at him, removing the phone from the ear.

“Sorry, my wife and I looked at your wheelchair. Comfortable as well, right? We have not yet chosen which one to buy. Is it normal in winter? Easy to make? Does it fit in the luggage?”


We talked about the car all the time.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna