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Admin and Users.
You’ve broken up with your arguments, Cheslaw.

It is simple.
A computer is a tool, so people who work with it must have basic computer literacy.
But a good specialist does not always know the computer properly.
A good specialist is more beneficial to an organization than the average, but with computer literacy.
Knowledge of the computer increases the efficiency of the specialist.
Running through the corridors and connecting the mice decreases the effectiveness of admin.

Conclusion is elementary. Admin writes a letter in the name of the chief, in which he asks for compulsory courses of basic computer literacy for the following persons: bla bla bla. In order to increase the effectiveness of the work of the collective (just here need more details. The time needed to get the result of the work is reduced, again bla-bla-bla).

The result will be great. Those who really did not know because of the education - will learn and stop drawing admin. And about those who will be lazy and dumb even after the courses, you can write another service. In which there will be a list of lessons not learned (paid by the company, most likely). They will be sent to courses again. At their own expense. Because the boss will be offended for the wasted money. After that everyone will be well.

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