— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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xxx: I have always been a quiet, calm and peaceful person, but I have always solved issues with hooligans only by violence, otherwise they do not understand. In the kindergarten, I broke the bread-cutting hooligans. He mocked everyone, including me. It didn’t blow me, but one day he broke my Robockop toy, which I liked very much, and I calmly took a heavy Soviet metal truck, the color of the hack, and in front of the eyes of the educators quietly wrapped it with him all over the face of this boy. Of course, sores, tears, blood, but until the end of the garden of problems he no longer delivered anyone. In school I had no problems with the hooligans until the 5th grade, and then we began to translate all kinds of declared elements, I approached and silently broke the nose of the chief of the hooligans, until the end of school they did not call me at all, except by name and paternity. I think so first break the slice of bread - questions then never failed.

Yyy: "Until the end of school they did not call me, except by name and paternity"

I was willing to believe it, but this detail ruined everything.

Zzzz: So he was a teacher.

YYY: And this detail put everything in its place.)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna