— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Xxx: I was going to make an offer to a girl. I chose the ring. Naturally, I was very worried. I’ve been choosing for a long time and finally I liked one thing. I say, this is what I take. Next dialogue, I - I, PS - the salesman of the salon:

I: This is what I take!

PS: Well, they are paired, the second ring of what size?

I: Oh, I have enough of one.

PS: Usually, two take at once to be the same.

I: This is a strange fashion, why does it have two identical rings? We’ll come and choose what she likes.

PS: Look for yourself, this is rarely the case. Better take it right away (looking carefully at my hands).

I: Well, I don’t know... Two rings are somehow too bold, I’m not sure what the girl will appreciate. I will take one.

I took the ring and went to make an offer. Everything went well. And then, two days later, the bride says to me, “Why don’t you wear your own ring?”

The ring. his own. the couples. It comes to me here...

We arrived two hours before the opening. He bite his nails while waiting. Fortunately, it turned out that the seller understood which league I was from and put off the ring for me, although this is prohibited by the rules, and still waited until I finally got to me.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna