— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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My aunt (her kingdom of heaven) was of a very strong nature.
And it could not be otherwise - her husband died young, leaving her with her sons - weather. There were farms: cows, sheep, pigs, and even horses. Nobody counted the birds, as did the bees.
So I listened unquestionably to her, seeing how she was managed with all these animals. Goose listened to her. by Gusi! Which I am afraid of here...
The only thing that annoyed me was her habit of chewing her instructions. Literally “you go here, you turn there, you take that and you do it” Along with my aunt’s lack of sense of humour, these insightful instructions brought me to white thickening as a teenager.
Seeing this, my aunt once called me and... once again “squeezed” me the story of her habit.
Following her words:
If you want to be understood, explain it correctly, otherwise it may be funny for someone, but sad for someone. Do you remember the first time your parents came to me? Okay, she was small.
And then I met you with your parents, sat down with them in the bus to show you where to ask the driver to stop (you know, the road to our hutor is only by stone, on foot)
She asked the driver to stop, and she commanded your parents: “All out! My voice is commanding, you know.
All passengers of the bus...
The bus... has left.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna