— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Xxx: Once I was sitting on a wheelchair, on a seed stack. Grandfather started sharply with a turn, and I was driven off the stake with a centrifugal force. A drop of meters from 3 and 20 centimeters from the head fell a healthy drin, which this stang had to be pressed.

And one day, my grandfather and I were sitting on a chariot right behind the horse, my grandfather decided to catch up with the red horse and ticked him in the ass with forks. The Redhead was frightened and struck us from foot to head.

My grandfather was still smoking, and when we were riding a cart, he was riding on a seed stack and smoking fireworks. Fireworks were thrown aside after smoking. How many times we burned, I can’t count.

Once I wore cows, sitting on the Rice, and my brother decided to joke, and gently knelt the Rice with a chestnut. The red rose broke straight, and right was the forest. I fell off the tree almost immediately.

One day in the spring, my brother and I went for a walk, early in the morning we crossed the stream and bowed the whole day, and when at three o’clock the day decided to go home, it turned out that the stream turned into an unshakable river, as the sun burned and the snow melted friendly. I had to swim. That was the first time I was rubbed with vodka and pissed at the same time.

You can continue very long... really interesting life in the village )

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna