— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Xxx: There was a guy in our company, like a prominent one - a tall, wide-armed blonde with blue eyes, well-educated and educated. But with the female sex, shy to mindfulness, because of which the relationship with the girls he did not develop at all, and was a virgin. We often went to the country with the whole company, all but him, in pairs, which caused some inconvenience - the pairs adore, and he craves. And one day our brilliant minds decided to pick up a prostitute for him, said, it is our acquaintance and also wanted to go with us to the country. The choice was entrusted to us, the girls. Well, we looked in advance, selected one, booked it for a day, explained the role. The girl turned out to be very cute and companion, shutterly captured the attention of our virgin friend, the whole evening murmured with him, he just shone of happiness. In the morning we ask this girl, said, well, how did it all work out? Oh yeah thats. Nobilely rejecting all attempts to drag him to bed, our friend inspired her to read poetry almost all night. Jesse is fucking.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna