— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I have a companion. With a difficult destiny. Taxi for a while. A couple of times I went with him in some affairs, and noticed that on the shelf under the barracks (there are such, open, on the Vasovsky "seven" seems) lies with him Tomik E. Blavatsky. Such a thick, with a beautiful throwing strap. Surprisingly, it lies on top and is not overwhelmed by different ones. Lie for a long time. A few months. And my companion is a man purely grounded, practical, never "esoteric" (well in the sense that all kinds of searches there for Great Teachers and no less Great Goals are not his, of course). And here, you are Blavatsky!
On the other hand, the alien soul is dark. I was interested. Be careful, Kiev on Tomic:
Does it help time pass?
“No,” he said, “I have time to give. It helps to get earned.
In none of the schemes that revolve in the head and related to "getting earned" Tomik Blavatskaya did not fit in any side. Comrade, seeing my confusion, smiles:
- You know, there are sometimes such... luck that do not want to pay. “Oh, brother, I forgot the money, then...” Or the fingers start to shake, “Do you know who I am?” This is where Blavatsky helps.
Is it how? I was completely confused.
- Well, how, I lean, I take the tomic and without scope but from the heart to the fucking of it, to the fucking! And, you won’t believe, immediately the money is there, and the fingers stop swinging. Elena Petrovna helps sometimes.
I recently drove a taxi in another city. I see, too, Tomic is on the shelf. The same gaps. and only (!!!) The Anglo-French dictionary And the taxi driver, which is typical, the Southern is obvious, but neither from the south of France, Central Asia is unambiguous.

These taxis are taxis!!! to

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna