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There are many legends and stories about the hockey confrontation of Canadian professionals and "amateurs" from the USSR national team. Someone will be interesting. Canada Cup of 1981. In the preliminary stage, the Canadians thundered us 7:3, apparently in memory of 1972. The next meeting is in the final. Before that, Mike Bossi (the surname of his grandfather Bosy) and twenty-year-old Wayne Gretzky (the grandfather was called Terence Gretzky) made what they wanted - 13 goals in six matches. The team's final was led by the winning coach Scotty Bowmen and Victor Tychonov. I think the bookmakers warm their hands well. Our team won 8-1 and nobody was able to bet on them.
After the end of the final match in the dressing room of the Soviet team accompanied by the police entered the main organizer of the tournament, the executive director of the association of players of the NHL Alan Eagles and selected minutes earlier solemnly awarded to the winners the main prize - a huge cup of expensive nickel alloy in the form of half a clay sheet. Iglson explained his actions as follows: "The cup belongs to the Government of Canada, and its place in the Hall of Fame." Previously, the organizers did not announce that the main prize is immutable. This act has caused confusion among Canadian fans. One of them, Winnipeg entrepreneur George Smith, launched a fundraising campaign to create a copy of the trophy. After collecting several thousand dollars, a copy of the Canada Cup was made, later handed over through the Soviet embassy to Moscow and handed over to the CCCP.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna