— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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My friend, pediatrician Vadim Ivanovich, was dispatched from meduniversity to a deaf corner of Belarus, but in principle by phone he that he was rarely lucky. It was not just a corner of an ancient old lady, but an entire house left of a grandfather who died in the late nineties. Vadim armed with a wreath, a cage with water, melted the remnants of the previous life from the house. The first week I was afraid, slept with the light. The ghost of the former owner did not want to leave, knocked on the bars, scratched the floor, scratched on the roof. Then he got used to and stopped scaring the young stranger.

I was lucky with the workplace too. From the chief ancient, as the CPSU chief physician. Dear grandfather, the main problems of which: garden, fishing and goats, which he raised in an incredible number. Of the partners – a few nice nurses sent to the district by distribution. From the parents of patients - forever respect and respect. In the hospital - hot water from the crane, you can always wash. Not well arranged. Of the negative points, the same patients. Would Vadim Ivanovich be a red girl - would cry in the pillow at night. He just called me and quarreled. After the end of the work, he left there, although his CPSU counterpart insisted on offering him his place, and the nurses a hand, a heart and everything attached to them. The stories of patients remain.

One day, Vadim comes for a challenge. It is said that a five-year-old child has a high fever, cough, cold. The address is an ordinary village house. Because of the fence breaks up a wooden yard. To knock and scream, and most importantly, to the wild laughter of the guard from the house nobody comes out. Vadim spit, opened the cane, gave a pinch to the guard to keep his legs intact. and entered.
In the big room of the cottage – smoke of cottage. There are several bodies at different stages of intoxication. On the table - half empty bottles, snack in canned pots, cucumbers, right on the sticky cloth. Bite and whole. Someone is singing, someone is fighting.
Where are the masters? The doctor is screaming, trying to scream the ball in the house of Rostov.
and chao? A few votes are recalled.
Lord, I say where is it?! to
You hear, brother, where is the man?
Somewhere here. The mask!
Because of the curtain, fencing the kitchen from the dining room, a swollen and dissatisfied female face rises.
Who needs what?
The doctor called?
A-A was called The little boy got sick.
Where is the child?
“There,” Mother uncertainly shakes her hand. Then she shakes, apparently someone is pulling her back behind the curtain.
Vadim goes in that direction. There is a door behind the oven. Behind the door is a small room where a boy is lying on the bed.
Are you sick? Asked by Vadim.
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah The water came out of the well yesterday, worsening. The water is cold. Mommy said don’t drink, and I drank. The fault itself.
Can you get up?
and AGA.
Wade examines the patient. Listen to the breathing of small lungs.
Will you go to the hospital?
and AGA.
I need papers and my parents.
- Our parents, - the patient responds solidly. We will do it ourselves.
I began to dress slowly.
Vadim looked at the patient’s independence and carefully asked. Just to support the conversation:
What do parents do at all?
The boy looked at the doctor surprised:
What do you see, uncle? Water is drunk.
Wade breathed up. Are you also in the sky?
A small patient shakes his head.
Do you not drink at all?
No, I do not drink. and thirsty.
Fifteen years have passed. And for Vadim Ivanovich, this is a standard scam at any party.
I do not drink. and thirsty.

There lived a valley in that village. Valka is a CGB, a often and long-sick child. The fate of the valley is also not sugar. A man was killed by a drunken man, he was arrested. Mother walked, walked, and walked somewhere far away, into the city. She lives with a loving grandmother. Precisely the grandmother. But still a strong old lady, she does the cow herself, excavates the garden herself. The valley will not offend anyone. Last summer Valk was irritated by some boys, so the grandmother armed with a scarf from the scarf and gave the boys..... (Well, this is not a literary word). The boys brought their parents to the gathering. The grandmother took the slice thick and repeated the procedure.

Since then, no one has touched the valley. Here is only the CHD - eternally fluid nose, in winter and autumn temperature. We take them, as on duty, once every two weeks, or even more often. Under this bench and the old lady with her sick. “In the chest” and “to breathe.” And she will crush the pigs of the beetle leaves, catch up a hill with this mesiv and drag through the courtyard. Vadim somehow secretly tried to raise an empty corner. And I understood that the stories about the grandmother’s scratch from the scratch, is not an empty talk.
So what are you doing, Doctor? Grandma meets Vadim with a standard phrase and sits at the table with force.
Instantly fries eggs with shrimp, rolls potatoes on a plate in uniforms.
Don’t worry – no shame.
We don’t have to talk to Vadim for long. On my feet in the morning. The roll looks like a stove, it has a nest there. A bunch of flowery clothes, disabled dolls. You shut your eyes, right, the Czechoslovak doctor in a deaf village. Only from the ceiling the wire hangs with a lamp. The dolls are plastic.

After the treatment, the grandmother did not let the doctor go. Vadim will come out of the house, and in his pocket, then a cookie, then a sausage. And it is uncomfortable to refuse, and you understand that the old lady spent precious pennies from her small pension on a “gift.”
One day, I put my hand in my pocket, and there was something wet. I was scared, I pulled out my hand, all my fingers in some spots. Well I think miracles.
Vadim pulled out his pocket, and there was a shell. And I understood what happened. The old woman’s retirement is only three days away. Apparently, it was full of money. So she found what was in the house. Fresh chicken eggs. I put it in the doctor’s pocket.
“And you won’t believe it,” said a tough doctor with gray whiskers. I was under thirty already. And I buried patients, and worked in child oncology. Nothing took me. And then I walk down the street and crawl over this white egg. Then I bought Valke all sorts of chocolate dolls, pulled them as a gift.
And what?
Do you know how painful it is when you scratch your ass?

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