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Are there doctors on the plane?

An advertisement at a height of ten kilometers throws in the frost. Two hours, as they took off in Antalya, and to Moscow is the same. Child crying and silence. Are there doctors on the plane?

There is! There is! I am a doctor.

A light-haired young woman in a minute was near the one-and-a-half-year-old Alina, whose body was beaten by seizures. The child has already lost consciousness, breathing and heartbeat have slowed to a complete stop.

33-year-old Guzelia Valeyeva - a dentist, head of the branch of the 2nd Dental Clinic of Ufa, who, by will of fate, was in the same plane "Anthalia - Moscow", conducted, in fact, the resuscitation of the child, making an indirect heart massage.

350 passengers of the huge Boeing 737-800 flight SU 2143 remained silent. The first attack was stopped, but immediately the second went, the girl began to become blue. However, Valeyeva continued resuscitation activities, and the child was suffocating and came to consciousness.

Then there was an emergency landing in Rostov. The reanimation car and all the services were waiting on the runway. Alina is alive and her life is no longer threatened.

Afterwards, in Rostov, Valeyeva said: "I tried to pull out the tongue with all the false means. The child was forced to inhale air, did a heart massage. After a few minutes, they began to put the child on a flat surface, change the position, and this repeated again. Everyone tried to help - the airplane staff, the boarding staff, got all the pharmacies, drugs, everyone who has any... Doctors have cases when we save a person's life, and so had to face. But, of course, not on board, where there are no tools and no personnel.”

You know, I’ve heard several times in the air the phrase “There are doctors in the plane?” Fortunately, on board was someone who gave the oath of Hippocrates, and everything ended safely - a doctor in the plane, landing, ambulance on the lane, life continues. But every time I hear that someone has been rescued in the sky because of the random presence of doctors among the passengers, I’m not at ease. What if there is no doctor on a particular flight? If there is no probability theory and people able to save a passenger's life will fly another flight or stay at home? Have you not thought about it?

by PS. Dr. Valeyeva rescued the little Alina on the flight SU 2143 of Aeroflot - Russian Airlines. But no reaction to what happened from the main air carrier of the country for some reason followed. Is the rescue of a child’s life by a doctor accidentally on board an event for Aeroflot?

Photo by Dr. Guzelia Valeyeva. The same flight.

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