— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Having appeared for a massage in a beauty salon near the house, he was informed that an additional fee was set for men in the amount of 200 rubles for any type of massage. To say that I was surprised, it would not be quite true - I shrugged. Not in the sum of the matter, compared to the cost of the massage it is funny. The fact of this collection.
What is this gender discrimination? I took a massage in the most exotic corners of the planet, the price for both sexes is the same everywhere. And wild at all. You will come next time - and you will have an additional collection on red. Or in the skull. What is the logic of collecting on men during massage? You’re going to cut us off without a price, hopefully?
The administrator was sorry to watch, apparently I was not the first to ask her these questions. I decided to do some shit:
- You understand, men are generally larger, the work of a massage worker requires more...
I am amused.
So you and the fat babies take this collection. They will live for weight loss, they will only benefit. And for the stimulus just weigh before the massage, with a fixed price - 1 kilogram of the client 50 rubles, for example. Or collect for every extra centimeter of waist. You will not recognize your baobabs in a month!
The administrator breathed.
You are all chickens, and I am sad. Our massager has changed, this collection is a categorical requirement for a new one. Otherwise, she will be fired, and she has full orders. For our company it is out of competition. Yes, you try, the men to her walt stump.
Forced erotic massage for 200 rubles. Can I get a regular massage, and without collecting?
There is no erotic there. Rather, it’s a curse of nature. I warn - the girl is decent, no intimate affection does not suit and does not accept. And in general, she is a great massage worker, and the men just bustled her. So I set my tax. I am in shock, but I understand her purely female.

Interested I went. Because of the natural political correctness, in a sign of respect for the legislation of the Russian Federation and to avoid political clashes in the discussion, I will categorically silence the nationality of the massager. But her bust! In this story it is impossible to keep him silent. Like two mature melons pulled out of the coat. Whatever the savage struck with a quite decent massage, periodically something cheerful, warm and elastic fell on me or shuffled on the touch. Unforgettable impressions. Soon it will go up to 500.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna