— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Xxx: For the second year in a row wearing the tree, I remember this story with a smile on my face, and I ask my beloved wife about her girlfriend Elena. It quickly disappeared from our sight.

About two years ago, my wife at work met Elena, a cute, shy girl who is raising a son of the same age as our senior. On the topic of children they became friends, first talked at work, then Lena and son came to us several times. The kids played in the room, the ladies drank wine, and I the joining.

The last time they came before Christmas, I and the children dressed the tree in the nursery, Lenin's son immediately began to help us. The ladies, as usual, talked in the kitchen at the table, drinking wine. When the process of decorating the tree was completed, I was saddened to find that three forks did not fit into the same socket, and it was necessary to look for a triple. Having searched all the rooms, and, like any man, having found nothing, I decided to go a rough path and ask my wife where she once again hid the triangle.

As I entered the kitchen, I splashed into the chair and poured a glass of wine and asked my wife:

The three?

The woman thought for a moment, apparently remembering where she last used it.

The situation turned out to Elena, red and a little stunned, she said:

I don’t care, but who will take care of the kids?

It is a pity that you cannot get out of your body and look at your face.

Well, then our wife and the wild whistle, through which Elena tried to explain something, was even more red. Unfortunately, since then I have not seen any more Helena in our guests.

Yyy: If they weren’t rotting like fools, there would be a triplete.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna