— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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In December 1992, Chubais was appointed chairman of the State Council. the Russian Federation Committee on the Management of State Property and was in fact responsible for privatization. Remember how it ended?
In March 1997, Chubais was appointed First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation and at the same time Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation. Then, in 1998, Chubais was appointed special representative of the president for relations with international financial institutions and held talks with the IMF and the World Bank. Do you remember the fallout of August 1998?
In April 1998 Chubais was appointed Chairman of the Board of RAO "EEC of Russia". Remember the accident in Moscow in 2005? These are small things. As a result, in July 2008, RAO EEC was liquidated.
In September 2008, Chubais was appointed general director of the state. Russian Corporation of Nanotechnologies (Since 2010 OJSC Rosnano). Yes, the same Rosnano, about whom all joked and mocked who were not lazy.
- And now the cherry on the cake: In December 2020, Chubais was appointed a special. representative of the President of the Russian Federation on relations with international organizations for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. I got there, fucking.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna