— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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XXX: There was something. On Saturday, the whole day was killed, right here is such a general cleaning - dust cleaner, there was washed, washed, washed, washed. Satisfied as such. Tonight my ex-wife calls, I’ll go for papers tomorrow. Oh well ok. The next day I went, picked up papers, drank tea, went away and so on - well, I understand, you live alone now, but at least sometimes you could clean up in the apartment.

YYY: Once he raised his ass from the couch and arranged a specific general at home. As a rule, there is less. About a month later, a strange girl looked at the guests and said, "Fuck, you're here, how do you live here?" I was stunned by that conclusion at the time. Then the ex-wife came and said, "Fuck, you are clean here, until the eyes are cut." I couldn’t find a word, fucking silent.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna