— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I had a friend who I would call the light. The light in general, a person is very complex, like a Rubik's cube on 200 sides. However, there were puzzle lovers) Here is one such lover, after six months of relationship, gave her the phrase: I will love you no matter what. Light perceived this as a call to action, after a couple of days decided not to return to their common apartment for the night, stayed with her mother (it is by the way a fact). Returning the next evening, she entered the apartment with a happy face, and when asked where Light was walking, the girl replies: I was with another guy. Well, this amateur, quietly gathers her pieces (living in the apartment he removes), takes the lady and carries her with things to go out. This beautiful woman, let’s cry and pray that this was just a test of whether he really loved her as he said, and in fact she was with her mom. But he was no longer interested in where she was and what tests were.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna