— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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A researcher came to me at the university, and said, “Then and then, we need to make an expert conclusion – a man found a bag of hemp seeds, he sits in SIZO, waiting to be planted.” Well, I’m still young, a fool, I say, “What are the problems? Write a letter to the dean.” I was summoned in two weeks to a court hearing. Why the HS. As if an expert should at least look at these seeds...Taste, smoke...I will immediately say that the end is unknown to me, I would like to know whether I planted or saved this grandfather with the seeds...

I came to the court, they delivered a paper with my data, but instead of an expert there for some reason I was indicated as a witness... Why - hz.

They called me into the room. He stood in front of the judge and looked around. The grandfather sits in the "aquarium", sad - probably the same hemp baron. Next to the bench is apparently a parent, sad.

The prosecutor, cheerful, began to ask questions. And I am sad, because I was a cool expert, and I became a witness and I don’t understand it. I saw nothing.

The prosecutor, who recently finished the kindergarten with a red diploma, began to ask questions. The accused claims to have fed domestic pigeons with hemp seeds. Say, after consuming hemp seeds, will birds show signs of drug intoxication?“”

I scratched my head and said, “No. In the seeds of any type of hemp there is a minimum content of cannabinoids, and the pigeon is more likely to die from eating than the cow catches."

The judge, the prosecutor, the investigator, the grandfather’s grandfather, the guards were suddenly surprised, the judge even raised his eyebrows and looked at the prosecutor. My grandfather turned over the glass.

The prosecutor asked, “How often is the practice of feeding birds with hemp seeds used?“”

Well, I replied, the judge again raised the eyebrows, apparently also immediately after kindergarten in the judge, although it looks serious, even in a hat. I say, “Constantly, cannabis seeds are fed to pigeons, chickens, and papagaies... Some women eat them. You can buy it at any animal store.”

The prosecutor was sinking. Asks the last question, "And if there are impurities of the leaves and pollen of hemp in the seeds, may the pigeons still have narcotic intoxication?" It is apparent that it is unfortunate for the accuser to bring hemp for a pigeon, he wants him to have a bird.

I say, “Of course there will be drunkenness!” Everyone was in the room, who was happy, who was worried. It will, of course, if there are a lot of impurities, and it is a variety of narcotic hemp, not weed and not seed. And if the pigeons will smoke this mixture. Or boil it in acetone, then there will be a trip with birds. And generally speaking, chemical examination of samples is easier to carry out.”

The judge let me go. What was there next I do not know, and my grandfather is sorry, I thought he was really feeding the pigeon... Maybe one of the last pigeons in our city he is... But how the trial ended, I don’t know... And I would like to.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna